Collective Impact Hero

Our Approach

Read On Arizona Collective Impact

Read On Arizona was launched in 2013 from the urgent, fervent belief that Arizona had to do more to help our young children develop the literacy skills they need to be proficient readers and successful in school. And that working together is the way to do it.

Our founding partners understood from the beginning that progress is made incrementally, with no quick fixes or magical solutions. Ten years later, our collaborative efforts have transformed the literacy landscape in Arizona.



  • Terri Clark appointed Arizona Literacy Director to lead statewide collective impact initiative for early literacy
  • Flagstaff, Phoenix, Tucson, and Yuma form first local literacy collaboratives as part of statewide initiative
Read On Communities


Early Literacy Guide


Continuum of Effective Literacy Practices


  • ROA launches MapLIT data mapping tool with shared data sets that impact early literacy in Arizona
  • Read On San Carlos Apache Tribe becomes first tribal Read On Community
MapLIT 2015


  • Arizona Literacy Director chairs K-3 Literacy Ad Hoc Committee convened by State Board of Education for literacy policy recommendations
  • ROA releases Factors Related to Early Childhood Literacy research brief
  • 25 Read On Communities across Arizona


Smart Talk Read On Arizona


  • ROA publishes first edition of Dyslexia Resource Guide for Families in English and Spanish
  • Arizona awarded $4.4M federal grant for family engagement and literacy programs in high-need areas
  • 6 Read On Communities receive specialized technical assistance as part of Acceleration Zone project: Avondale, Chandler, Flagstaff, Phoenix, Tempe, and Yuma
Dyslexia Resource Guide


  • Third grade reading proficiency in Arizona increases to 46%, up 6 pts from 2015
  • ROA publishes case studies highlighting Arizona schools with exceptional gains in literacy
  • ROA serves as state lead for child care gaps analysis and fiscal mapping project
  • Arizona receives 7th consecutive “Pacesetter” recognition from the national Campaign For Grade-Level Reading



  • State of Arizona enacts new legislation and invests more than $100M of federal relief funds in early learning and literacy
  • Arizona is 1 of 5 states with all components of effective, comprehensive early literacy policy


  • Arizona 1 of only 6 states with gains in NAEP 4th grade reading scores from 2013 to 2022, improving from 45th among all states to 28th
  • ROA receives $2.8M in philanthropic investments over 3 years for expansion and sustainability of collective impact backbone functions
  • Arizona Department of Education makes $10M grant for Project CALL, funding 5 local literacy hubs and a statewide online resource center developed by ROA
  • Lori Masseur joins Read On Arizona as director of early learning
  • ROA kicks off Arizona-Florida learning exchange


  • ROA launches new and improved MapLIT data center
  • Arizona awarded $42M for collaborative Preschool Development Grant Birth-5 renewal application coordinated by ROA
  • Arizona receives $2M federal CLSD supplemental grant
  • ROA convenes Arizona Chronic Absence Task Force
MapLIT Laptop


  • AZ Chronic Absence Task Force releases recommendations to get our students back to school and back on track
  • ROA launches LitHubAZ, a comprehensive source for evidence-based literacy strategies and resources to support student achievement

Statewide and local.

Read On Arizona Statewide and Local

The Read On Arizona collaboration provides leadership at the state level through an advisory board consisting of representatives of our founding partners — Arizona Department of Education, Arizona Community Foundation, First Things First, Helios Education Foundation, and Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust — as well as the Arizona State Board of Education, the Governor’s Office and several other key literacy stakeholders and philanthropic organizations.

Read On Arizona also supports local literacy efforts through a network of Read On Communities. Each works with a wide array of local stakeholders, including schools and school districts, local governments, early learning programs, businesses, faith communities, and non-profit organizations working directly with families. Each applies the same strategic approaches of the statewide Read On Arizona collaboration to coordinate and maximize their collective efforts in their local community.

Core Functions

Read On Arizona brings partner organizations together to produce results far greater than the sum of each acting alone. As the backbone of Arizona’s collaborative early literacy initiative, Read On Arizona guides the core functions of our shared work, in alignment with shared strategic priorities, to drive improved language and literacy outcomes in our state.

Read On Arizona Core Functions

  • Collaboration and sustainability

  • Data sharing and analysis

  • Policy

  • Communication

  • Capacity Building


The ongoing commitment of state and local partners to work collectively, in alignment with shared goals, measures, strategies and investments, is key to driving long-term, large-scale improvement in third grade reading outcomes.

Comprehensive data and effective data analysis should inform strategies, identify gaps and trends, and drive instructional decisions at all levels, from state to student.


Meaningful change is driven by a shared policy agenda for early literacy.

Policy Framework

Consistent messaging around early literacy priorities is needed to raise awareness and fuel collaboration among partners, practitioners, communities and families.

Literacy expertise and technical assistance supports partners in operating more efficiently and effectively; and leveraging collaboration around shared funding opportunities brings additional literacy resources to our state.

Collaboration and sustainability


The ongoing commitment of state and local partners to work collectively, in alignment with shared goals, measures, strategies and investments, is key to driving long-term, large-scale improvement in third grade reading outcomes.

Data sharing and analysis


Comprehensive data and effective data analysis should inform strategies, identify gaps and trends, and drive instructional decisions at all levels, from state to student.




Meaningful change is driven by a shared policy agenda for early literacy.

Policy Framework



Consistent messaging around early literacy priorities is needed to raise awareness and fuel collaboration among partners, practitioners, communities and families.

Capacity Building


Literacy expertise and technical assistance supports partners in operating more efficiently and effectively; and leveraging collaboration around shared funding opportunities brings additional literacy resources to our state.

Coordinated and Strategic

Like the many strands of skilled reading, the core functions of Read On Arizona interconnect with our shared strategic priorities in a comprehensive approach to improve language and literacy outcomes.




Collective Impact Core Functions