
Read On Arizona Convenes Leaders to Focus on Early Literacy

February 07, 2025

State Strategies

On Monday, Feb. 3, Read On Arizona, in partnership with Helios Education Foundation and Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust, convened 80 literacy stakeholders, including policymakers, philanthropic partners, education leaders, and community partners, to refocus on the importance of improving early literacy in our state.

“We know that if students aren’t reading at grade level by third grade, it’s so much more challenging for them to stay on an education track to success,” said Paul Luna, president and CEO of Helios Education Foundation, which hosted the event. “We know we have work to do.”

Read On Arizona’s Terri Clark outlined the key drivers of Arizona’s Literacy Plan 2030 and underscored the need for effective, sustained implementation. 

“100% of our certified early grade educators will be trained in the science of reading and will have earned the K-5 Literacy Endorsement by 2028,” Clark said. “We’re also scaling up the number of literacy coaches in schools with the most struggling readers, and we’re supporting schools and districts with guidance and resources on using evidence-based, high-quality instructional materials. Literacy outcomes will improve when these strategies are effectively implemented at the school, system, and state levels.”

Literacy for Today and Tomorrow

The event’s featured speaker, Nonie Lesaux, interim dean of the Harvard Graduate School of Education, framed the issue by highlighting the rising need for more complex literacy and problem-solving skills in order to thrive in today’s society and economy. 

“There was a time when eighth grade literacy skills were a straight line to a perfectly well-adjusted, healthy, middle-income lifestyle,” Lesaux said. “Because of technology, that is no longer the case. We need even more sophisticated literacy skills than we needed even 20 years ago.”

Lesaux also presented a framework to maximize development of the “Big 6” literacy skills — oral language, phonological awareness, phonics, comprehension, fluency, and vocabulary — starting from Pre-K through elementary and secondary education.

“We owe that to each and every reader,” Lesaux said.

Arizona Literacy Roundtable

A panel discussion included leaders from education, policy, and business.

State Senator T.J. Shope affirmed his support for sustaining the comprehensive literacy package he sponsored in 2021, which included the K-5 Literacy Endorsement and other improvements to state policy. 

Shope described the legislation as a "big deal" and "something we have to keep" to see how cohorts of students progress over the years ahead. "We need to make sure that the support systems are there to ensure that our educators have the tools they need to be successful," Shope said.

Scott Hagerman, superintendent of the Tanque Verde Unified School District in Pima County and vice president of the Arizona State Board of Education, echoed the keys for improving early literacy noted by Clark, including building the capacity of educators to teach reading effectively.

“In my district, that’s been LETRs training,” Hagerman said. He also stressed the need to avoid the short-term lure of “shiny objects” and commit to these core strategies over time.

Asked why the science of reading hasn’t yet produced solid increases in student achievement across the country, Lesaux noted that “there has been a tremendous amount of positive change in the last 20 years,” but that outdated practices persist in education. 

“We need to shrink the gap between what we know and what we do,” Lesaux said. “This is hard work. We have to be really dogged. And this is not just about schools.” 

“We won’t reach our goals without collaboration,” said Sharon Harper, chairman and CEO of Plaza Companies. Harper is involved at the highest levels of strategic leadership in our state and serves as a trustee of Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust, a founding partner in Read On Arizona. “Reading is the baseline of Arizona’s future,” Harper said.

Collaboration and Commitment

Steve Zabilski, president and CEO of Piper Trust, capped the event with inspirational remarks about the transformative power of reading.

“I was so blessed, because my mother was a public elementary school teacher,” Zabilski said. “We did two things every night — we read a book, and we said our prayers.”

Zabilski thanked those in attendance for “what you make possible for our community” and recognized Helios Education Foundation and the other founding partners in Read On Arizona for their ongoing role in improving early literacy.

“I can assure you, Piper Trust is committed to this,” Zabilski said.

Zabilski also acknowledged the leadership of Piper Trustees Sharon Harper and Dr. Judy Mohraz in making education a central value of the Trust's work. “Read On Arizona is just one example of that,” Zabilski said.