
Read On Arizona Appoints Lori Masseur as Director of Early Learning

August 31, 2022

Read On Arizona

Read On Arizona, our state’s early literacy initiative, has appointed Lori Masseur as director of early learning. In this new position, Masseur, formerly with the Arizona Department of Education (ADE), oversees collaborative efforts to improve school readiness and support the language and literacy development of Arizona’s youngest children.

“Partners see the value in this collaboration,” said Arizona Literacy Director Terri Clark, who leads Read On Arizona. “We’ve produced results, and now they’ve invested in sustaining and building our capacity to do even more. With her expertise and experience in early childhood education and systems building, Lori is the perfect person to intensify Read On’s focus on early learning.”

Masseur joined Read On Arizona in July after eight years with ADE’s early childhood education team, supporting the work of teachers and administrators in providing high-quality educational opportunities for children from birth to age 8. She served in various capacities at ADE, including deputy associate superintendent, ECE director, and Head Start Collaboration Office director.

"...Lori is the perfect person to intensify Read On’s focus on early learning.”

This newly-created position with Read On Arizona reflects the importance of early learning in contributing to third-grade reading proficiency. Masseur will direct Read On Arizona’s collaborative work on several strategic priorities, including data integration, expanding effective literacy practices, and building educator capacity in the science of reading for early learning professionals. She will also represent Read On Arizona on the Early Childhood and Business Advisory Council, a joint initiative between the U.S. Chamber Foundation and the Bipartisan Policy Center, and serve on the Bipartisan Policy Center State Leader Working Group.

“I’m excited to take on this new role,” said Masseur. “High-quality early childhood education helps children be ready for kindergarten. It’s part of the education continuum that goes from birth through third grade. And from there, if a child is reading well by third grade, they’re in a strong position to do well academically, graduate from high school, and be prepared for college or career.”

About Read On Arizona

Launched in 2013, Read On Arizona is our state’s early literacy initiative, with strategic focus on school readiness and third-grade reading. Led by the state literacy director, it’s a commitment among the key players in education and philanthropy in Arizona to work together in coordination and alignment, share data, maximize investments, and take the strategic, comprehensive approach required to improve language and literacy outcomes for Arizona’s children from birth to age 8. To accelerate progress toward our shared goals, partners in Read On Arizona focus on three strategic priorities: effective teaching and learning; family and community engagement; and screening and assessment.
