July 25, 2024
MapLIT is Arizona’s comprehensive source for key data sets that impact school readiness and early literacy outcomes in our state.
Read On Arizona recently published a series of videos to help users get the most out of the tool and illustrate how nonprofits, government agencies, and community partners can use the data in MapLIT to be more efficient and effective.
“Arizona has this truly unique data source, for use by everyone, that is the envy of the whole country,” says Sean Ross, executive director of the Arizona State Board of Education. “There’s really no tool like it to provide information to improve student achievement.”
Tutorials and User Stories
Read On Arizona offers several short tutorial videos to demonstrate MapLIT’s functionality and offer tips for users to zoom in on the specific geographies and data sets they’re looking to explore. Videos also detail how to access data on certain key topics available in MapLIT, including chronic absence and academic assessments.
A variety of MapLIT users also explain how their organizations have used the data in MapLIT to identify areas with high need or gaps in services, target their programming, strengthen their grant writing, and be more effective in carrying out their mission.
“It is extremely valuable,” says Elizabeth Webber-Schmitt of Southwest Human Development, adding that MapLIT “saves a lot of staff time in trying to pull data from many different resources.”
About MapLIT
MapLIT is Arizona’s comprehensive data tool for interactive mapping and summary reports on key data sets that impact school readiness and early literacy outcomes in our state.
First launched in 2015, MapLIT is the product of the collaboration of partners in Read On Arizona, our state’s early literacy initiative, combining shared data from multiple state agencies and census data to help inform effective strategies, policies, and investments.
The MapLIT tool was developed in partnership with the Maricopa Association of Governments.