
New Statewide Campaign Emphasizes That Literacy is the Key for Arizona

March 25, 2025

Read On Arizona

Phoenix, AZRead On Arizona, Arizona’s early literacy initiative, is launching Literacy is the Key, a new campaign to increase public awareness and understanding that early literacy plays a vital role in student success and children can learn to read by implementing effective, evidence-based strategies.

Literacy Powers Learning 

“Early literacy is the key to a successful future for Arizona’s children,” said Terri Clark, Arizona Literacy Director for Read On Arizona. “Every child can learn to read, and it’s time to prioritize literacy instruction, strategies, and methods that are proven to work. Arizona’s children and our future workforce can’t wait.”

Currently, fewer than half of Arizona’s third-graders read proficiently, a challenge with far-reaching consequences for students, schools, and the state’s workforce. Research shows that ensuring students can read proficiently by the end of third grade is the single most important factor in preparing them for future learning and work.

Every investment in early literacy is an investment in Arizona's economy and future. Strong readers become innovative workers, engaged citizens, and community leaders. Foundational literacy skills must be developed during the early years to reach this milestone by third grade. 

We Can Make Progress

By utilizing proven reading strategies, Arizona can make progress in increasing the number of Arizona students who read proficiently by third grade. “First, we need students in school and must reduce chronic absence to pre-pandemic levels,” said Clark. “ Once in school, we need to ensure they get reading instruction proven to work by empowering educators with research-backed methods and tools.”

Many Arizona teachers are already equipped with the knowledge and skills to teach reading successfully. The next vital step is to ensure that all teachers have the same access to high-quality instruction and coaching. 

What It Will Take

To significantly increase the number of proficient readers, Arizona must bring proven and effective approaches to every student, in every classroom, and in every community. Literacy is the Key aims to communicate proven strategies to improve literacy: 

  • Arizona must leverage every dollar of its early literacy investments to deliver meaningful results for our young learners.
  • All schools must use high-quality instructional materials, coaching, and tools based on strategies proven to be successful in developing young readers.
  • Families need to know how their children are progressing in reading, and how to support them at home.

For more information on the Literacy is the Key campaign and how you can get involved, visit