February 07, 2013
Read On Arizona
Arizona drew attention when, as a state, it was named a finalist last summer for the All-America City award. Now, the Campaign has named Arizona a “Pacesetter State” for its philanthropic leadership and the shared commitment in communities across the state to “put a stake in the ground” around third grade reading.
“Arizona’s commitment to third grade reading as a statewide priority is off to a promising start,” said Ralph Smith, the Campaign’s Managing Director and a Senior Vice President of the Annie E. Casey Foundation. “Communities across the state have joined forces to help each other succeed. And the exemplary leadership of Arizona’s foundations has inspired us all.”
The Campaign’s formal statement applauds the initial convening partners of Read On Arizona — Helios Education Foundation, Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust, Arizona Community Foundation, Valley of the Sun United Way, United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona, United Way of Northern Arizona and United Way of Yuma — as well as the other founding and core partners: Department of Education, First Things First, and Head Start Office of Collaboration.
Their efforts led to five Arizona communities becoming charter members of the Grade-Level Reading Communities Network. Read On Arizona continues to gain momentum and new partners. Among the supporters are BUILD AZ, Expect More Arizona, Arizona Ready Council, Children’s Action Alliance, Arizona State Library, Arizona State University, University of Arizona, Northern Arizona University, and members of the Arizona Community College System.