Terri Clark was appointed Arizona Literacy Director in June, 2012. In this role, she leads Read On Arizona, our state’s early literacy initiative.
Working in coordination with the advisory board, Terri guides Read On Arizona’s strategic, comprehensive approach to improving school readiness and third grade reading outcomes and nurtures a strong culture of collaboration to drive alignment of efforts, avoid duplication, and accelerate progress toward shared goals. She provides literacy expertise and technical assistance to partners and builds capacity to scale and sustain what works by developing shared resources through federal, state, and local funding opportunities. Terri also leads collaborations with other states to identify and implement effective literacy policies and strategies, and she represents Arizona on several national literacy efforts, including the Campaign For Grade Level Reading.
Terri previously served as executive director of Bring Me A Book Foundation, a statewide organization committed to strengthening the language and early literacy skills of California’s underserved children. As executive director of the Literacy Network of Greater Los Angeles, a coalition of adult, family, workplace, and children’s literacy providers serving over 500,000 learners, she led efforts to generate public awareness, expand resources, raise funds, and strengthen the capacity of literacy providers throughout the region. In addition, she served as executive director of the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Foundation, overseeing the organization’s arts, education, and workforce development programs.
Terri graduated with honors from Brown University and has a master’s degree in reading, language, and literacy.

As director of early learning, Lori Masseur guides Read On Arizona’s collaborative work on several strategic priorities related to improving school readiness, early literacy, and systems-building efforts in our state, including: data integration, expanding effective literacy practices, and building educator capacity for early learning professionals.
Lori has more than 20 years of experience in early childhood education, most recently as part of the Arizona Department of Education’s early childhood education team, supporting the work of teachers and administrators in providing high-quality educational opportunities for children from birth to age 8. She served in various capacities over her eight years at ADE, including deputy associate superintendent of early childhood education and director of the Arizona Head Start State Collaboration Office.
Her experience includes overseeing the revision of Arizona’s Infant Toddler Developmental Guidelines as well as Arizona’s Early Learning Standards and early childhood funding manual. Lori also helped develop Arizona’s successful Comprehensive Literacy State Development Grant application and served on the advisory committee for Child Care in 35 States: What We Know and Don’t Know from the Bipartisan Policy Center.
Lori has a bachelor’s degree in elementary education from the University of Arizona and a master’s in reading and curriculum instruction from Grand Canyon University.